Isn’t it crazy how many people go overboard about something they heard?
For instance:
It’s a fact that the use of mobile devices, especially SmartPhones and Ipads is growing at a phenomenal rate and it is expected to keep growing.
It’s also a fact that a large number of people use their SmartPhones and Ipads along with their desktops to research prior to purchase. Some do it in the store first–even scanning barcodes–so they can research the items when they get to their desktop at home.
It’s also a fact that the old printed Yellow Pages have been supplanted by Iphones, Androids, and all their cousins. When a prospect checks their SmartPhone for your phone number, it better be there or someone else gets the business.
It’s a fact that any business that is serious about Internet marketing MUST adapt to this. They must make their online presence more accessible than their competitors’ or they will lose out on a lot of business.
What is crazy is to think that today it is not necessary to have website at all but rather to depend on mobile users!
A large percentage of users who visit a site on their phone or Ipad later expand their research by going to the business’ website for in-depth information.
The best strategy today is to have a highly relevant website optimized for search engines. It should be configured to adapt to any viewing device from a tiny phone to a 24 inch desktop or, alternatively, to have a separate mobile website.
Any serious business must also adapt to social networking, blogging and email campaigning to complete their marketing strategy. Email is by far the top mobile device activity.
Some very smart person said: “Internet marketing is a marathon, not a sprint.”